The following are links to a variety of websites and internet pages - to congregations, bookstores, Bible study aids, and other sources. They are being provided to help you in your studies and/or find a congregation. A brief description is given for each link. Inclusion here is not to be considered an endorsement of everything on those sites but there will be useful information available. Let the student beware and be able to discern good from evil. A good recommendation would be to always apply the "Berean Test". (Acts 17:10-12)
Articles on current events that relates to the Bible and studies on Christian evidences
A good website for looking up Bible passages - contains many study aids
(The Good Fight) Lists congregations with web sites and other contact information
Bible study and sermon outlines; with much other valuable, edifying material
Travelling and trying to find a congregation to worship with? - try this site
This is an online Bible study with 25 lessons on "Are you sure of your salvation?" Lessons were developed by Ron Boatwright
A source of Christian books and other religious material in Bowling Green, KY
A Christian publishing house in Anderson, IN
A television program with Jarrod Jacobs - on YouTube
". . . they received the word with all readiness of mind,
and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."
Acts 17:11 (KJV)