When people hear of the ‘church of Christ” they are often perplexed. Usually there are at least two questions. Who are you? And What is the “church of Christ? The second question might be phrased a little differently, such as, what denomination are you a part of?
Let me see if I can answer those two questions.
We are a group of people trying our best to follow Christ. That means we understand and accept His claim to be the Son of God (John 3.16). We have no creed book except the Bible. The Bible is the only inspired word of God and as such it is inerrant, contains God’s will, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work, 2 Timothy 3.16-17.
We are a group of people who realize we have sinned against God and need the blood of Christ in order to be save, Ephesians 1.7. As Christians we come together to worship God in Spirit and truth, John 4.24.
Jesus came to build His church as stated in Matthew 16.18. At times in the Bible the church is called the body of Christ, Ephesians 1.22-23.
In order to establish His church, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Acts 20.28 says He purchased the church with His own blood. It is through His blood our sins are washed away, Acts 22.16.
When we obey the Gospel of Christ we are added to His body, Acts 2.47. Jesus did not come to establish multiple denominations. The church Jesus established is based on His word, His life, His death, and His resurrection. Jesus is the very foundation of His church, 1 Corinthians 3.11. He is also the head of His church (the church of Christ), and He is the Savior of the body, Ephesians 5.23.
After Jesus’ death on the cross, He was raised from the grave. Numerous people as recorded in the Bible, saw Him. He ascended into heaven and promises to come back again, Acts 1.11. When a person is “saved” they are added to the church, Acts 2.47.
Therefore, how does one become a member of Christ’s church? One must obey His Gospel, Hebrews 5.9. In order to believe in Jesus, one must hear the Gospel of Christ, Mark 16.15. That includes believing Jesus is the Son of God, John 8.24. One must repent of his/her sins, Luke 13.3. Confessing Jesus is the Christ is also one of the conditions of being saved, Acts 8.37. Finally, one must be baptized for the remission of his/her sins, Acts 2.38. In baptism one’s sins are washed away by Jesus’ blood, Acts 22.16. When we are baptized we are added to His church, Galatians 3.26-27.
Finally, Christians are called to assemble to worship God and encourage one another. We come together on Sunday to remember and honor the Lord’s death by observing the Lord’s Supper, Acts 20.7. We sing together, pray together, study God’s word, and as Christians we give as we have prospered.
Hopefully this has helped to answer the two questions “Who are we?” and “What is the church of Christ?” We hope you will come and worship with us at the Lilac Road church of Christ. Questions are always welcome as we want to spread the good news. - - Dennis Tucker
". . . The churches of Christ salute you."
Romans 16:16 (KJV)